Quest:The Ruins of Brangobel

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The Ruins of Brangobel
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Thurindol
Starts at Húrin's Hall
Start Region South Ithilien
Map Ref [73.5S, 12.2W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Ends at Brangobel
End Region South Ithilien
Quest Chain Bâr Húrin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You're heading out to find Faramir? I notice you keep the information for him close, and I respect that. You are a brave messenger.

'Would it be too much trouble to ask one last favour of you? We're going to establish a lookout in the ruins of Brangobel soon and need to bury some supplies there first. It is on your way, to the north, and could be done as you go.'

Thurindol hands you a small amount of supplies.


Thurindol asks you to bury a small amount of supplies in the nearby ruins of Brangobel.

Objective 1

The ruins of Brangobel are located northeast of Bâr Húrin.

You should enter Brangobel, where Thurindol asked you to bury some supplies for a forward base.

Orc spies occupying the ruins prevent you from secretly burying the Ranger supplies

Objective 2

The ruins of Brangobel are located northeast of Bâr Húrin.

You should defeat Orc spies at Brangobel so that it is clear to bury the supplies for Thurindol.

Defeated an Orc spy (4/4)

Objective 3

  • Bury Ranger supplies (0/6)

The ruins of Brangobel are located northeast of Bâr Húrin.

You should bury Ranger supplies at Brangobel.

Buried supplies (6/6)

Objective 4

  • Completed

Buried Ranger supplies.

With the Orc spies defeated, you were able to successfully bury the Ranger supplies around the ruins of Brangobel, undetected. You can only hope the Orcs do not retake the ruins before the Rangers establish a lookout.